Do you know how to pay for college? Paying for college can be difficult, but there are many resources to help you find a way. Start here.
U.S. Department of Education site on federal student aid.
US Department of Education website with information on college costs and more.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau provides parents and students valuable information on how to pay for college.
Scholarships are one of the most coveted ways of paying for college because it is the money that you are not required to repaid. The criteria used to award scholarships varies greatly and usually reflects the values and purposes of the donor or founder of the award. The following resources will be a good start in your search to find scholarships to match your personal circumstances and needs.
Search engine site produced/managed by the Washington Scholarship Coalition. Search scholarships in Washington.
Links to scholarships, career information, sample college courses outlines and more.
Powerful search scholarship engine ranked hi by Forbes magazine. In addition to scholarships, you have access to colleges, internships, careers and more. Uses feedback from over 30,000 college students to rank colleges by category.
Web's largest free scholarship search engine.
Over $32 Billion in scholarships-self-declared largest search engine, plus other post-high school topics.
A single application allows Auburn School District Seniors to be considered for scholarships awarded by donors in the Auburn Community. A committee of representatives from the community or donors will select the recipients among students who will graduate from schools in the Auburn School District. Recipients will be announced at the annual Seniors Awards Night at each school.
Some of the scholarships available:
Bob Jones Service Scholarship
Molen Orthodontics Scholarship
5keevie 5helton Scholarship
Key Club/Kiwanis Essay Scholarship
Visit Mrs. Lutton in the Counseling office to obtain an application and to turn it in after completed.
Large scholarship data base with important info on careers.
An insider's guide to the scholarship process from the perspective of students who have won national scholarships. Through articles and scholarship profiles, the information covered includes how to find scholarship to apply for, how to compile competitive applications, and much more.
Debunks myths about college scholarship money.
National Program that awards scholarships to academically talented, highly motivated African American HS students who intend to pursue undergraduate degrees full-time.
The HSF scholarship is designed to assist students of Hispanic heritage obtain a college degree.
The program provides students of color with an opportunity to complete and undergraduate college education .
Includes links to over 500 scholarships and annual listing of tours by Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
Scholarship and education grants for eligible Aboriginal Canadians, Native Alaskans, Aleuts, Inuit, Eskimos, Native Americans, Native Pacific Islanders, Hawaiians, Polynesian or Micronesian.